Hands of Grace
Mark 16:15
Project GRACE Street Ministry
Began in 2014 with 8 boys ages 9-15 years old, living on the streets of Matagalpa, sleeping in the bushes of a local super market.
We started meeting with them every morning by going and waking them up sharing the Word of God and some food they didn’t take us seriously in the beginning in fact they were extremely difficult and disrespectful. Never the less God continued to send us back day after day rain or shine we were persistent, 30 days had passed with no change. We begin to question if we had heard correctly and had we in fact missed our assignment. While praying and seeking further day 30 comes as we are walking down the street to meet the boys we stop in our tracks in aw of what we see… the leader of this group is standing in front of the steps where we gather with all the boys up and assembled waiting for us to arrive. God had given us our miracle. From that day forward we began to grow in numbers and in our relationship with each of them. We finally knew that it was time to find another place to gather.
The street ministry had grown to over 20 in daily attendance we made the decision to have tables made and turn our garage into a dining room. We truly believed this place would be sufficient for a while.. wrong!.. We out grew that area in just 2 weeks. God continued to bring them in large numbers from all over Matagalpa. We moved the ministry into the main living area where we out grew in 3 months we were well over 50 in attendance each day. God opened a door for us to move to the main market where we continued to grow near 100 operating 7 days a week.
We have church service daily and discipleship classes, prepare meals and meet needs as made known.
We continue to minister on the streets in the local park daily and into the evening searching to reach the youth.
After two years in full time street ministry we realized that God was calling us to not only reach those on the street but to reach those At-Risk of heading to the street. He began to lead us in to opening our first THRIVE Center, here we are a nutrition, tutoring, bible class, library and activities center for children, teens and young adults.